Content Creation vs. Copywriting: There’s a Difference‽*

* NOTE: The punctuation mark ‽ is called an interrobang, a combination of a question mark and an exclamation point used to express excitement or disbelief.

“A rose by any other name would be written as sweet,” is probably what Shakespeare would have replied if asked to distinguish between content creation and copywriting. While these terms are related, they serve distinct purposes in communication strategies. Content creation involves writing informative, engaging material to educate, entertain, or enhance brand awareness. Copywriting focuses on persuasive writing aimed at driving specific actions.

Content Creation 

Content creation involves the development of various types of written material designed to educate, entertain an audience, or enhance brand awareness. Typical examples include news articles, press releases, white papers, case studies, website content, and more. Your foremost goals with content creation should be to engage your target audience, build brand awareness, and provide value. 

For instance, I created this blog post to educate readers on specific topics related to my expertise. It’s designed to attract visitors to my website, provide valuable information, and establish authority in my field. 

Press releases are a great example of content creation because they inform the public and media about important product updates, enhance brand awareness, and engage readers with compelling stories. They also attract media coverage and can be repurposed across various marketing channels.


On the other hand, copywriting focuses on creating persuasive and compelling content specifically aimed at driving action or sales. Typical examples include advertisements, sales pages, product descriptions, email campaigns, landing pages, etc. Copywriting aims to persuade your reader to take a specific action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or contacting your business.

For instance, the brilliantly written copy you’ve read on my homepage has convinced you to explore further copywriting services with me and that I’m the only writer in the world for you.

There you have it: the result of effective copywriting!

Copywriting Examples Caught in the Wild

Examine the copy on the homepage example below. Consider whether or not you think this is a successful copywriting example. Is what specific action we want a reader to take clear?

It works, but does it make you curious?

In contrast, the following second homepage example of copywriting is an improvement. Notice how the reader is inspired to think of themselves (who doesn't enjoy thinking about themselves?), their ideas, and their stories. They wonder how you, the writer, could help bring them to life.

What action do I want the reader to take?

I want the reader to feel curious to know more about me and what I can write for them—curious enough to scroll to the bottom of the page to find my Call-To-Action (CTA) button to email me or to check out my navigation items.

Your Pending Action Item

Now that the distinction between content creation and copywriting is clear, it’s time to hire Quetzalli for your business communication needs. 

Why leave for tomorrow what Quetzalli can write for you today?


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