3 Mistakes Struggling Startups Make (And How To Avoid Them!)

Crossposted from Medium.

There are 3 mistakes struggling startups make… 😭

That successful startups never make. 😎

Curious to learn more?

1. Offer ONLY Static Documentation

Struggling startups stick with static docs.

Successful startups invest in interactive learning > passive experiences, which drive deeper exploration of features and enterprise plans.

2. Assume Customer Needs

Struggling startups assume customer needs.

Successful startups create onboarding content for enterprise key players (Solutions Architects, Engineers, Admins), focusing on personas and journeys.

3. Ignore Developer Education

Struggling startups skip hiring training teams.

Successful startups prioritize building training content to address enterprise problems and pain points.

Startups, to land high-level enterprise customers:

  • Offer interactive learning.

  • Address key personas and their journeys.

  • Create content that tackles pain points.


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